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Online Resources

Growing Together

Hands holding dirt

Weekly Garden Tips Blog | Linda Gilkeson

Linda is a Pacific Northwest expert gardener and entomologist. Join her mailing list and receive her blog directly to your inbox or choose one of her books!



Organic Compost

Compost Education Factsheets

Curious about hot composting or worm composting?  Want to learn more about the Green Cone Digester or Earth Machine backyard composter? Check out these amazing factsheets about a whole range of topics.


Image by Kamala Saraswathi. Man harvesting peppers

Pest Management 

Healthy organic gardens are full of bugs. Gardens, and even farms, are ecosystems that maintain their own balance. Learn more about pest management with West Coast Seeds.



Beekeeping Resources

The Capital Region Beekeepers’ Association offers online and in-person resources for new and experienced beekeepers


Biodiversity & Ecological

Stewardship Zine | Zoë-Blue Coates

BioDiversity is a zine that teaches all ages about the history of selected Black and Indigenous ecological stewards. These people have worked in the industries of soil health, environmental activism, plant knowledge and more.

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West Coast Seeds Regional Plant Chart

Do you want to know when to you can seed your beets?

This handy planting guide lays it all out for you, crop by crop!


Picking Apples in Orchard

Apple Varieties Guide

Everything you need to know about apple varieties. 





Image by Markus Spiske - Kale

Community Resilience Podcast | Comox Valley

A podcast about building community resilience in the Comox Valley in uncertain times, through awareness, inspiration and empowerment of food systems actors globally and locally.

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BC Eco Seed Lower Mainland + Vancouver Island Plant Chart 

This planting chart shows average seeding windows for folks in the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island. It gives an overview of what to start when in trays, greenhouses/cold frames and direct seeded outside from January to September. 

Image by Marcus Urbenz

Pollinator Resources | Island Pollinator Initiative

Regional lists of native plants for pollinators. Information on pollinators, and planting and managing guidelines. For homeowners, farmers, and land managers.


Vegetable Picking

UBC Botanical Garden horticulture forums and Hortline

Healthy organic gardens are full of bugs. Gardens, and even farms, are ecosystems that maintain their own balance. Learn more about pest management with West Coast Seeds.


Facebook Pages


Grow the Food You Love

Facebook Page | Petra and Gary share with you advice, webinars, discussions and host a weekly Q&A.




Tomatoes in Greenhouse

Salish Sea Greenhouse Gardeners | Facebook Group

This group is for people on Vancouver Island, especially its southern part, who are growing food and flowers in greenhouses.


Collaborative Gardening

for Food Security (Victoria/Lekwungen+W̱SÁNEĆ)

Mutual aid Facebook group for sharing resources related to growing, preserving, and sourcing local food. 


Fresh Beetroots

Gardening on Vancouver Island | Facebook Group

This is a group for anyone on Vancouver Island, Victoria to Port Hardy, Parksville to Tofino and all points between to share their gardening adventures. It is a place of sharing and learning and celebrating our love of plants.

Seedlings growing in greenhouse

Garden Exchange Victoria BC

In this group you can discuss ideas with planting, growing and harvesting.  Connect with other growers in the region, learn do's and don't and share tips!



The Jawl Foundation


We are growing on unceded Coast Salish territories.


This initiative works within the territories of the LÉ™k̓ʷəŋən, SENĆOŦEN, and Hul'q'umi'num speaking peoples. Within this are the territories of the LÉ™k̓ʷəŋən (Songhees), Xwsepsum (Esquimalt), W̱JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip), BOḰEĆEN (Pauquachin), SȾÁUTW̱ (Tsawout), W̱SIKEM (Tseycum), Sc'ianew (Beecher Bay), T’Sou-ke, Pacheedaht, MÁLEXEȽ (Malahat), Pune’laxutth’ (Penelekut), Stz'uminus (Chemainus), Ts’uubaa-asatx (Lake Cowichan), Halalt, Lyackson, scÌ“É™waθÉ™n mÉ™steyÉ™xÊ· (Tsawwassen), SEMYOME (Semiahmoo), and Quw'utsun (Cowichan) Nations.


The presence of settlers (non-Indigenous peoples who live on these lands) is not neutral; it continues to have devastating impacts on many aspects of life for Indigenous peoples. Many settler practices, including the seeds planted, the forms of education, and methods of growing food come to these lands through the ongoing process of colonialism. Colonialism has suppressed local well-being by harming Indigenous food systems, whether they be land-based or of the sky and sea. We honour the stewards of these lands, including the people, plants and animals, who have an intimate knowledge of the foods of this land. We hold them up for the work they continuously do to protect and connect with the land.

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