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Growing Together

Educational Resources

Image by Gabriel Jimenez

Compost Education Centre Workshops

The Compost Education Centre offers a diverse range of workshops on composting, organic gardening and sustainable living topics every year


The Gardens at HCP

The Horticulture Centre of the Pacific (HCP) hosts great Community Education workshops for everyone, from landscape professionals to hobbyist gardeners. 

Image by Kamala Saraswathi

Master Gardener Short Course Series

Oregon State University offers a Master Gardener short course series that you can take on demand and access at any time. While most courses are $45, they offer a free Introduction to Urban Agriculture Course 

Vegetable Basket

Sandown 'I Grew this Feast' Course

a season-long course that will give you the skills, support & inspiration to fill your kitchen (and your summer) with an abundance of just-picked, nutrient-crammed gourmet vegetables.


Lifecycles: Fruit Tree Care

Lifecycles Project Society offers a range of services for those with fruit trees who want to learn more about caring for them.

Image by Ny Menghor

Gaia College

Established in 2003, Gaia College offers curriculum in organic land care. Thy have a large range of courses available for home gardeners, landscapers, small food growers, and municipalities and developers

Image by Юлия Медведева

Seedy Saturdays

Seedy Saturdays offer amazing opportunities for learning with workshops and opportunities to ask knowledgeable gardeners. 


Pollinator Partnership

Pollinator Partnership offers a number of course and workshops that promote pollinator health


Royal Roads University

Royal Roads University offers a range of online courses in ecological landscape design, growing food, organic master gardening, rainwater harvesting and management, etc.


The Jawl Foundation


We are growing on unceded Coast Salish territories.

This initiative works within the territories of the Lək̓ʷəŋən, SENĆOŦEN, and Hul'q'umi'num speaking peoples. Within this are the territories of the Lək̓ʷəŋən (Songhees), Xwsepsum (Esquimalt), W̱JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip), BOḰEĆEN (Pauquachin), SȾÁUTW̱ (Tsawout), W̱SIKEM (Tseycum), Sc'ianew (Beecher Bay), T’Sou-ke, Pacheedaht, MÁLEXEȽ (Malahat), Pune’laxutth’ (Penelekut), Stz'uminus (Chemainus), Ts’uubaa-asatx (Lake Cowichan), Halalt, Lyackson, sc̓əwaθən məsteyəxʷ (Tsawwassen), SEMYOME (Semiahmoo), and Quw'utsun (Cowichan) Nations.

The presence of settlers (non-Indigenous peoples who live on these lands) is not neutral; it continues to have devastating impacts on many aspects of life for Indigenous peoples. Many settler practices, including the seeds planted, the forms of education, and methods of growing food come to these lands through the ongoing process of colonialism. Colonialism has suppressed local well-being by harming Indigenous food systems, whether they be land-based or of the sky and sea. We honour the stewards of these lands, including the people, plants and animals, who have an intimate knowledge of the foods of this land. We hold them up for the work they continuously do to protect and connect with the land.

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